Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 1: Managing My Time Better

With finals coming up, I felt like this would be an appropriate goal to start this week. With all the cramming going on, time management is absolutely essential. My plan is to create a Gantt chart with everything I need to study over the next two weeks. I’ve done this in the past but never stuck with it. Here’s to better time management!

Week 2 Checkup: Be Consistently On Time

I’ve noticed an overall improvement on my punctuality over the past couple weeks. For the most part, I’m on time but there are a few things that I’ve been known to be consistently late for, which is why I felt I needed to work on this. I’ve put more effort into making sure I’m on time to these things and I have been for the most part. Still working on it but what matters is that I’m improving!

Week 3 Checkup: Get a Healthy Amount of Sleep Every Night

I’ve been doing much better at getting sleep lately. Yesterday I stayed up late as I was on a deadline but other than that, I’ve gone to bed pretty regularly around midnight or earlier. I feel much better when I go to sleep early, even when compared to getting the same amount of sleep, but falling asleep at a later time. I would say I’m close to reaching this goal but I’m not going to check it off until I prove to myself that I can keep it up through final exams.

Like my Dad always said, “Early to sleep, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Week 4 checkup: Stop Buying Things I Don't Need

So I’ve been at this for about a month now and I gotta say, I haven’t seen a ton of progress. I’ve been in and out of tough times financially but when I have the money, I’ve realized I’m still not much better at saving it. Time to put a little more focus on this goal!

Week 3: Be On Time

This week, two of my friends made comments (on the same day) along the lines of “late to class again?” This took me by surprise because I always thought of myself as a relatively punctual person even though I might be late every now and then. I started to think about my punctuality and realized I was consistently inconsistent. By that, I mean I am consistently late to the same reoccurring events but since I’m usually on time to all other events, my tardiness in general is inconsistent. I started this goal this week, but it’s officially my goal for next week. I plan to achieve this goal by allocating more time for each task and leaving 15 minutes earlier (at least for now) for each thing in my schedule.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Buying Unnecessary Things: Week 2

I was doing really well with this goal until yesterday when I saw something I really liked and gave in. Upon reflection, I was disappointed with myself at first but then I realized that I had basically broken this habit within one day’s time – an achievement in itself if you ask me. One slipup isn’t great but as long as I’m improving, it’s the end goal that matters.

Healthy Amount of Sleep: Week 2

It seems that I must relearn the value of sleep each week. I’ll be getting plenty of sleep for a few nights and my performance levels will soar. I then ignorantly convince myself I can do about anything so I stay up late trying to shorten my checklist, thinking it won’t affect my competence. I learn how wrong I am each time I try to do this. My plan now is interlinked with another plan of mine, time management. I am going to get the most important things done first and then at the end of the day when a few things aren’t done, it won’t really matter because the unfinished tasks are not that important. As I start leaving the less important items for the end of the day, I will feel like I have gotten more accomplished and won’t feel the need to stay up late.

My Top Ten Goals For 2013 --, great site to set, track, and achieve your goals!